Music source separation using Deep learning in 5 minutes

1 minute read

Researchers at Facebook developed a music extractor in their Demucs library. Learn how to use it in Google Colab

Music source separation in waveform domain

Music source separation using Deep learning in 5 minutes

Last fall researchers at Facebook AI developed a Music source extractor in their Demucs library. Previously, there had been many attempts at that task using deep neural networks ([1],[2]) but Demucs achieves state of the art results (refer the complete article)

Implementing the code

We’ll try out the library on Google Colab.

Prepare the input file

For current illustration, I already have a song (Our son by Al Foster) in Google Drive. Simply copy that song from Drive to file system.

from google.colab import drive

!cp '/content/gdrive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/al_foster_our_son.mp3' song.mp3


  • Both Drive and Colab should belong to the same Google account
  • Make sure to enable GPU in your colab notebook

Install the libraries

As of now, the Demucs library can be installed with conda on a linux file system (refer these instructions to setup locally). But installing conda on Colab is buggy (sometimes an issue while creating an environment or setting up bash). Instead you can install the required libraries manually.

!wget -c
!chmod +x
!./ -b -f -p conda3

!/content/conda3/bin/conda install cudatoolkit=10 python=3.7 ffmpeg==4.2 pytorch=1.3.1 scipy==1.3.1 tqdm==4.36.1
!/content/conda3/bin/pip install musdb==0.3.1 museval==0.3.0 requests==2.22 treetable==0.2.3

Fetch code and you’re done!

!git clone

%cd demucs
!/content/conda3/bin/python -m demucs.separate --dl -n demucs -d cuda ../song.mp3

Try it now

You can execute the Colab notebook here.


  1. Improving music source separation based on deep neural networks through data augmentation and network blending,
  2. Deep clustering and conventional networks for music separation: Stronger together,
